Gratitude: Important for Aging Vibrantly

In all of my education and research, I’ve learned that an important piece that we cannot overlook for Vibrant Aging™ is focus on things for the spirit – such as the practice of gratitude.

Below is a collection of some of my favorite articles and other resources outlining ways that you can increase your gratitude quotient, as well as the real benefits you can experience from doing so.



Gratitude Meditation App

I would like to let you in on a few of the secrets which result from being grateful, and offer a helpful tool to guide you on your journey toward adding gratitude and appreciation into your life every day.

Add this quick and easy 10-minute meditation into your day and notice how you feel.

being thankful

Seeing the Best in Everyone

  • 4 min read
Embrace Thanksgiving with strategies for meaningful connections. Learn to find common ground, even with challenging relatives, and elevate your holiday experience. A guide to deepening...

Quick Facts on Sleep for Vibrant Aging™

Find Your Gratitude

Short quiz helps us identify where gratitude resides within our hearts and minds.

The Gratitude Questionnaire

Where are you grateful? This 6-question quiz developed by Dr. Robert Emmons (University of California at Davis) and Dr. Mike McCullough (University of Miami) helps you know.
Take the Quiz

Combat Loneliness

Research shows us our feelings of appreciation toward another person are a powerful antidote to combat feelings of loneliness.

One Simple Activity

This one seemingly simple thing has proven to help increase your gratitude quotient; here's what it is and how to use it.
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Did You Know

Practicing gratitude can actually help boost your immune system.

Physical Benefits

Heart rate slows when you make the shift to being grateful, causing life-enhancing antibodies to be released into your blood stream for up to six hours, but this isn't the only physical benefit.
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Paying it Forward

Regions of our brain are fired up when we are generous: social behavior, generosity, happiness and decision-making.


Being generous with our money, time, attention and gratitude causes what Dr. Elizabeth Dunn (University of British Columbia) coined “The warm glow of giving” which has been noted in 120 countries included in the study.
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Additional Gratitude Resources

Gratitude Tips from Around the Web

Add Heart to Gratitude: Add Heart Podcast
In this episode, Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., our Add Heart® Podcast host, and her guest, Erwin Valencia, life coach and world-renowned physical therapist for the New York Knicks, will discuss gratitude in this fresh light. They will also talk about how the science of gratitude is being used as a biohack by experts like Erwin, who specialize in the neuroscience of human performance in athletes and performance artists.
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Transpersonal Gratitude
Expressions of personal gratitude come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes an expression of personal gratitude has a specific benefactor as its addressee (as in triadic gratitude). But more often than not, as is the case with any genuine virtue, personal gratitude outstrips the stuff of thank you notes and warm feelings toward benefactors.
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