Do you think you can change the course of your aging?
Would you like to feel better as you get older?
Be healthier and have more energy?
Be happier every day?
If your answer to any of these questions is, I hope so or Yes!, then I’d be honored to be your Vibrant Aging™ Coach. Join my introductory class, Vibrant Aging™ 101.
It is the perfect way to start you on the path to a more Vibrant YOU.
You will receive the newest, best, science-based information available on how you can slow down your aging clock to feel and look younger.
Here is some of the things we will cover in this self-paced class:
- Recognizing Ageism
- What exactly is Vibrant Aging™?
- What Are the Physical Aspects of Aging Vibrantly?
- How to Keep Our Brains Humming
- The Secret Sauce for Living Vibrantly
 If this sounds like an offer you can’t refuse. Sign up for my introductory class, Vibrant Aging™ 101.
 Who wouldn’t want their very own Vibrant Aging™ Coach to help them feel and look More Vibrant?
Vibrant Aging™ 101: Learning Path
You pick the start day that is perfect for you and take the class at your own pace
Day 1: The Field of Healthful Aging
Get tips on how gerontologists can help you age vibrantly.
Day 2: Drilling into Ageism
Knowledge is power. Learn the truth about the last unacceptable stereotype so we can change the conversation.
Day 3: We've Come a Long Way
Want to change the course of your aging? Try these tips.
Day 4: The Foundation for Aging Vibrantly
Build your more vibrant life with these proven suggestions.
Day 5: The Physical Aspects of Aging Vibrantly
Our bodies are miraculous machines. Here are ways to keep it running strong well into our nineties and beyond.
Day 6: Your Vibrant Heart
Our emotions—our hearts, keep us young or cause us to age. Learn how to slow down our aging.
Day 7: The Secret Sauce to Aging Vibrantly
We wrap up our life-changing week with how to nourish our spirits and what many scientists think is the key to aging vibrantly.