Coffee: To Drink or Not to Drink? (That is THE question!)
If we want to age vibrantly, should we be drinking coffee? Where are we in the debate? Lately, I have seen stories […]
Articles for Your Body
If we want to age vibrantly, should we be drinking coffee? Where are we in the debate? Lately, I have seen stories […]
The topic of water is as big as an ocean, and so to continue… In addition to the benefits of drinking water […]
My mother wasn’t a water drinker, and so I wasn’t a water drinker until I was in my late twenties when I […]
I was born a night owl, loving the quiet of the late evening hours, when all the chores are done, commitments completed, […]
It’s rare that one person, overnight, can change the lives of millions of living women, and girls yet unborn, but the “Betty […]
One of the most important elements for both preventing and reversing Dowager’s Hump or kyphosis that does not involve pharmaceuticals, invasive therapies, or surgery is exercise.
You know the signs of Dowager’s Hump when you see them in an older woman or man—a bending forward from the upper […]
Recently, I wrote a Myth Buster, entitled, Older People Need Less Sleep. As always, I cleared up the erroneous thinking on the […]
You read that correctly. In women over 55, our level of anxiety, and depression, scientists now believe contributes to an increased risk […]
Dowager’s Hump. You might know someone who has it. Your mother or grandmother may have suffered from it. You think you are […]