Change is Hard
Like so many health issues, we often feel fine until a health issue reaches critical mass. Today I talk about my struggle to tame my health dragons.
Like so many health issues, we often feel fine until a health issue reaches critical mass. Today I talk about my struggle to tame my health dragons.
Today, at the request of many of my readers, I am listing below the 12 best things to “feed” your brain to […]
70% of Americans are deficient in one or more of the vitamins and minerals vital to good health. To make your life a bit easier, I have a list of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to slow down aging and boost your vitality.
For this last day of 2018, I offer you a recap of my posts for this year to make it a little easier to refer back to or share a favorite one, or for a little refresher for everything we have discussed this year.
The underlying message of so many religions—Practice Kindness—has never been more critical. Growing older, gaining wisdom, means understanding that being right is often never as important as being kind.
Knowing I was eating too much sugar, I decided to drop it from my diet for the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year. The resulting weight loss was beneficial, but more importantly, I was free of the sugar pull, free from wanting sweet things. That was empowering, very empowering, a sensation I continue to relish.
Although it may seem a stretch to see paying forward as a counter to loneliness, it helps in a non-tangible way that accumulates with time. A stealth fighter for positive benefit
How do we lift our spirits during the holidays? It’s about creative ways to connect this holiday season.
I am ending this month by returning to our expert, Dr. Claudia Harsh, who offers us all more good information about breast cancer and women 55+.
In drilling deep into breast cancer prevention for women, I find recommendations based on several factors. In aiding prevention for women before mid-life, prevention for postmenopausal women, and what suggestions help postmenopausal women who have had breast cancer, there exists some common approaches which are very encouraging.