Sleep Suggestions, Part II
Continuing our discussion from last time on good ideas for getting our much needed shut-eye, here are more sleep suggestions for you […]
Continuing our discussion from last time on good ideas for getting our much needed shut-eye, here are more sleep suggestions for you […]
We’ve learned how important sleep is to our whole body and mind. So how can women over 55 get the healing slow […]
The National Sleep Foundation Senior Health website recommends for adults ages 65 and older, 7-8 hours of sleep per night for better […]
“Taken together, the results of studies looking at the role of sleep in hormonal, immunological and memory functions suggest that if you […]
What you eat affects the aging process. Making good food choices can truly slow down aging.
Did you know, when we take our first breath, there exists no difference in the length of our telomeres between those newborns […]
I recently had lunch with a dear friend who is in his mid-eighties. In our many years of friendship we have covered […]
Quarterly Blog Post Recap (April-June 2019) April 1, 2019—What With Age Comes Wisdom Really Means Growing older, gaining wisdom, means understanding that […]
Until I pass on into the next world, I want to be independent and mobile; if I can prevent it, no wheelchairs […]
Such a potent and controversial topic requires at least two posts to even begin to discuss how the process of getting older […]