Myth: Aging Makes You Unproductive

The findings from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics breaks this myth wide open. It seems that as the kiddos leave the nest, so do the parents. 

According to the latest data, a whopping 29% of the population, the highest number of folks who volunteer, begin giving back around age forty-five. This number dips a little to 24% for older adults sixty-
five and over.

People in the last half of their lives supply an immeasurable number of hours in both helping with child-rearing and volunteering at worthy organizations.

Women make up the majority of volunteers, especially in caring for the grand wee ones and elderly parents or relatives, but the men aren’t far behind them in the overall number of volunteering hours.

The contribution of those at mid-life and beyond makes an enormous impact on our society. Heaven save us from where we would be without the blessing of time the older ones have to give. The statistics also show that older adults are the happiest age group of all. Maybe it’s the giving back. Could there be a correlation? I’ll keep that topic for another day.

Until next time… Be Vibrant!

Do You Agree?

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