Aging in Place

The idea that people of any age, and especially older adults, can remain living comfortably and independently in their current homes has gained acceptance in recent years. Baby Boomers can take partial credit. Now, more than 90% of older adults want to remain living at home according to AARP®.

Older adults who want to stay in their homes as they age find that changes in mobility or health can make it difficult to do so. That’s where a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) comes in. A CAPS will assess both the needs of individuals and the status of their homes to provide for their safety, comfort, and accessibility both now and over the long-term. CAP specialists can help older adults, or those with limited mobility, remain longer, and more safely, in their homes.

aging in place

What Does a CAPS Do?

A Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist helps older adults, or those with limited mobility, plan and make needed adaptations to their homes. We assess every aspect of the home—the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living areas and outdoors spaces to determine what modifications need to be made for individuals to remain safe at home. CAPS offer recommendations for modifying the living environment with both simple and complex changes to make activities of daily living at home easier and safer.

As a Certified Aging in Place Specialist, some of the recommendations L.J. might suggest to modify your home could include:

  • Adding grab bars and railings for those with limited mobility
  • Installing ramps or widening doorways for wheelchair access
  • Updating the electrical system to accommodate medical devices
  • Adjusting the lighting levels or adding task lighting
  • Adding support rails or seating in the shower
  • Making changes to the kitchen, such as adding a lowered countertop or increasing storage space
  • Putting in non-slip flooring

A Unique Perspective to Aging in Place

L.J.’s decades of experience, as a member of ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) and owning her own interior design business for thirty years, combined with her degree and experience in Gerontology, and her certification as a CAP Specialist, gives her unique and unparalleled insights into the needs of older adults wanting to stay in their homes and safely age in place.

CAPS training focuses on communicating with people of varying levels of ability and needs, determining and addressing their needs, evaluating the physical attributes of their home, considering some common treatments and solutions for alleviating mobility and sensory concerns within the home, and developing individual design approaches for working effectively in a variety of settings.

The Next Step

L.J. is available for one-on-one consultations directly with a client or the family or caregivers. Consultations are most effective when conducted in the living environment where the client spends the majority of his or her time. During the in-person consultation we will be using best practices for Covid protocols.

For more information on L.J.’s CAPS services please contact her at