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Second Quarter Blog Recap

April 6, 2020—Meditation Benefits Our Body and Our Brain

As we age, we lose our ability to handle stress as well as we did when we were young, and left untreated, chronic stress speeds up cognitive decline, and all the various degenerative aspects of aging. Meditation, however, can counter-balance many of the devastating effects of stress on our bodies and protect our brains from the debilitating combination of aging and unchecked stress overload.

April 13, 2020—How Pets Keep Seniors Healthy

Those who have pets are physically and mentally healthier, have more independence, and have stronger and broader social connections, all contributors to keeping us vibrant as we get older. Pets may even reduce some symptoms of dementia.

April 20, 2020—Why Multi-Tasking is Draining Your Brain and our Memory Banks

The truth is we were never able to do four things at once with the same level of attention as focusing on only one. Science tells us this harsh truth: multi-tasking is bad for your brain. Human brains are not wired that way; our brains work best when focusing on one thing at a time.

April 27, 2020—Shake Your Booty

Research shows that dancing is a promising candidate for countering the age-related decline in our physical and mental abilities. Aerobic exercise helps in both these areas, but dancing offers some unique benefits that will make you want to sign up for that tap class!

May 4, 2020Keep Moving With Vitamin K

Not getting enough vitamin K in our diet could be associated with mobility disability as we age. With the number of adults living to sixty-five and older projected to double by 2050, anything and everything we can do to keep our bodies movin’ and groovin’ should get our attention.

May 11, 2020One Ringy-Dingy, Two Ringy- Dingy…

No matter our age, we are inundated with unscrupulous boiler room calls, a serious, potential problem for our more senior members of society. Here are a few original tips to address this issue.

May 18, 2020—Aging in Place

Home…Going home…Being home. Those words envelop my soul, and bring a feeling of calm, of exhaling, of comfort, and warmth, and safety. Our greatest desire is to stay in our home until the angels call us home.

May 25, 2020Reversing the Dreaded Dowager’s Hump

Close to 65%, (and climbing) of older folks have some degree of the hump. Several studies of women, who develop DH four times as often as men, saw a decrease in the angle of spine curvature after thrice-weekly spine-strengthening and extension exercises.

June 1, 2020How Much Water Should I Drink? Part I

Every organ in our bodies, and every system and process of our bodies, need water to run properly. And, they all need enough water to work optimally. Drink up!

June 8, 2020How Much Water Should I Drink? Part II

A minimum of sixty-four (64) ounces of good quality, filtered water will cover your needs, adding in a few more glasses during and after exercise, and in very hot weather. This means only water. Other liquids—iced tea, juice, coffee, or vodka– don’t count toward your total daily intake.

June 15, 2020The Unseen Toll of Anxiety

Anxious times stemming from Covid-19 news overload are throwing many of us into continual high stress, which can damage our health. Daily meditation will really help during these challenging times.

June 22, 2020Please Explain Gerontology

Do you know what gerontology is? I get the request for this definition so often. Some people confuse it with geriatrics — a focus only on the medical conditions and diseases of the aged…

But, gerontology, the study of the process of aging, includes so much more than just our physical health!

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