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Fourth Quarter Blog Recap

October 7, 2019—Straight Answers on Breast Cancer

Claudia Harsh, MD, an expert in the field of women’s medicine, answers questions about the connection between menopause and breast cancer.

October 14, 2019—Great Answers on Breast Cancer Prevention

Once again Dr. Harsh offers thoughtful answers to some of the most pressing questions women have regarding breast cancer.

October 21, 2019—Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Two glasses of wine a day may lead to a greater chance of contracting breast cancer, especially in women with a family history of the disease. The good news? Exercise lowers the odds!

October 28, 2019 Foods as Prevention in Stopping Breast Cancer

Regular, focused exercise is the number one breast cancer risk reducer, but making friends with vegetables and cutting back on red meat and processed foods come in second and third.

November 4, 2019 Keeping Your Balance

Keeping your balance throughout your life is an empowering –and do-able goal.

November 11, 2019–Great Remedies For Winter Illnesses

Cold and flu season is one time where non-pharmaceutical remedies excel at bolstering the immune system to efficiently squash symptoms before they evolve into a serious illness. Adding more Vitamin C, D, and zinc to your daily regimen strengthens your immune system and may help you avoid that nasty cold.

November 18, 2019: Raising Our Awareness to Help Prevent 

Exercise, proper diet and rest, social connections, and lowered stress all play huge roles in lowering one’s propensity for developing Alzheimer’s. Learning to play an instrument shows promise, as well.

November 25, 2019 A Gratitude Attitude is Where It’s At

Embracing gratitude makes people physically, socially, and psychologically healthier. Grateful people feel less stress, less anxiety, greater life satisfaction, and better sleep—especially in combination with my Gratitude Meditation:

December 2, 2019–Great Remedies for Winter Illnesses

 Herbs and dietary supplements — one area where non-pharmaceutical remedies excel at bolstering the immune system to efficiently squash symptoms before they evolve into a serious illness. The qualities of Vitamin C, zinc, and Vitamin D are covered in this post.

December 9, 2019–Get Hygge, Be Happier!

Hygge, pronounced “hoo-gah” is a Danish term defined as “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” (The Little Book of Hygge).  This superior Scandinavian practice has no direct translation in English, but “cozy and comfy” comes close. Find time, especially during busy holiday seasons, to recharge, reflect, reorient, and revive, in other words, find time to hygge!

December 16, 2019—Some Ideas for Bringing In 2020

The year 2020 seems especially auspicious, being the sequential year of the century, and the beginning of a new decade.  I offer a winning, triple-play suggestion to bring in the New Year—combining exercise, a personal commitment to oneself, and being fully present.

December 23, 2019—A Plan for 2020

Regular exercise boosts our testosterone, lengthens our telomeres, and helps our adrenals make more estrogen. These actions allow our brains to fire on all fronts and our memory banks to stay as crisp as a cracker. They also give us a greater sense of well-being, help us feel less irritable and more balanced, and contribute to our sexual comfort and desire. Move it to keep it should be our theme for 2020!

December 30, 2019—Fourth Quarter Recap

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