Vibrant Aging™

2nd Quarter Blog Recap

April 12, 2021- My Top Secret for Alzheimer’s Prevention

This week, I want to share with you ladies my secret for Alzheimer’s prevention.

Better yet, this secret will benefit many areas of your life, including improving sleep and reducing stress.

April 19, 2021 – Your Anxiety Is Contributing to Your Osteoporosis Risk Factor

Come along as I unpack some new research into the causes of osteoporosis.

April 26, 2021 – Fun and Fitness for Your Brain

Having trouble finding the car keys, or remembering the name of that book you wanted to order?

Good news! Practicing brain-training exercises called Neurobics will sharpen your memory and increase your brain’s cognitive abilities.

May 3, 2021 – Silence is More Golden Than We Think

Silence is golden.

With the world constantly whirling loudly along, the benefits of taking silent time for yourself are higher than ever. In fact, silence actually slows down aging!

May 10, 2021 – Why Multi-tasking is Draining Your Brain and Memory Banks

The brain, given the chance, has the miraculous capacity to improve, no matter our age!

Our memory banks do not have to stay in drawdown mode; we have the power to make generous deposits by choosing new ways of doing things that will add to our lives at every moment.

May 17, 2021 – Keeping Steady on Our Feet

There are simple and fun ways to keep us upright as we get older.

This week I am sharing my top, research-based, suggestions on how to regain our balance.

May 24, 2021 – Listen to the Rhythm for a Better Brain

Music, when combined with aerobic exercise, spurs our brain to grow new cells. So turn on the music and dance up a storm!

May 31, 2021 – Some of Most Common Questions I’m Asked as A Gerontologist

My goals as a gerontologist are to empower, educate, and energize women using great information backed up by sound science. We deserve to be the masters of our health and our destiny.

June 7, 2021  – Who Will Care For Us Seniors

Good news! 70% of people over sixty-five do not see a geriatrician.

Prevention and retention are the most important words when it comes to getting older.

Read this week’s article to get my thoughts on preventative aging.

June 14, 2021 – An Attitude of Gratitude

As the world begins to shift into a more recognizable mode. I am taking stock of what I have learned and what I am grateful for.

June 21, 2021 – Taking on Ageism

There is a sea-change coming.  More and more films and television programs are accurately depicting older adults as vibrant, energetic, smart, funny, and completely with-it. 

June 28, 2021 – Vitamins for Brain Health and Longevity

I want to share some great news about how to slow down the aging clock, increase our longevity, and add quality time to our lives.

A highly respected researcher, Dr. Bruce Ames, has identified 30 known vitamins and essential minerals, along with 11 additional nutrients, which when taken at optimal levels are the best supplements for brain health.

July 5, 2021 – People Ask Me “Please Define Gerontology”

Do you know what gerontology is? I get the request for this definition so often. Some people confuse it with geriatrics – a focus only on the medical conditions and diseases of the aged…

But, gerontology, the study of the process of aging, includes so much more than just our physical health!

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